What we test

myDNA Comprehensive Health Report
Biological Age - PhenoAge

The PhenoAge Blood Biomarker Test provides a comprehensive assessment of your biological age using a set of nine key blood biomarkers.

This blood test measures:

Ageing, whilst a natural process, is the accumulation of damage in your body over time, caused by a long term over-activation of the immune system.

Thyroid Function

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate growth and energy expenditure. Thyroid disorders are quite common, and many people don’t have any symptoms at all. This thyroid test screens for the thyroid hormones that play a key role in regulating the body’s metabolism.

This thyroid test measures:

Communicates with the thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4 which regulate metabolic functions. High TSH thyroid test levels indicates an underactive thyroid, and low levels an overactive thyroid.

Measures the thyroxine that is freely circulating and able to regulate metabolism. High FT4 thyroid test levels indicate an overactive thyroid, and low levels an underactive thyroid.

Measures the triiodothyronine that is freely circulating. High FT3 thyroid test levels indicate an overactive thyroid, and low levels an underactive thyroid.

Blood Glucose

Blood glucose is generated from carbohydrates and to use this fuel for energy your body needs insulin. With type 2 diabetes the cells either ignore the insulin or the body doesn't produce enough of it. Glucose then builds up leading to problems with the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and blood vessels.

This blood test measures:

If you have diabetes your body doesn't process glucose effectively.


Lipids and cholesterol are fat-like substances in your blood. Some are necessary for good health, but when you have a high level of cholesterol in your blood, a lot of it ends up being deposited in the walls of your arteries and other vital organs. Lifestyle choices including diet, exercise and alcohol intake can all influence cholesterol levels and your risk of developing heart disease.

This cholesterol test measures:

High total cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol is often called ‘bad cholesterol’ because it contributes to plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog arteries and make them less flexible.

HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol is often called ‘good cholesterol’ and is protective against atherosclerosis.

The main storage form of fatty acids in the body. Elevated triglyceride levels may contribute to hardening of the arteries, and increase the risk of heart disease or stroke.

A calculation of your HDL cholesterol over your total cholesterol which is used to calculate your likelihood of developing heart disease.

Apolipoprotein Ratio

The apo B/apo A1 ratio indicates the cholesterol balance between potentially atherogenic (bad) and anti-atherogenic (good) particles. For men this should be below 0.9 and for women it should be below 0.8.

This blood test measures:

Apo A is a protein carried in HDL ("good") cholesterol. It helps start the process for HDL to remove bad types of cholesterol from your body. In this way, apolipoprotein A can help to lower your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Apo B containing lipoproteins are the ones most likely to enter the wall of the arteries. They are capable of trafficking cholesterol into the artery wall, and if present in increased numbers may be the main initiating factor in atherosclerosis.

The apo B/apo A-I ratio indicates the cholesterol balance between potentially atherogenic (bad) and antiatherogenic (good) particles. The ratio is strongly related to risk of cardiovascular disease. For men the ratio should be 0.9 or under and for women it is 0.8 or under.

Hormone Panel

No matter what your fitness goals are, one of the main determinants of whether you will reach them is your hormonal status. This hormone test measures the key hormones that must be in balance and play an important role in regulating sexual health, fertility and athletic performance.

This hormone test measures:

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone responsible for bone and muscle strength, as well as mood, energy and sexual function.

Most testosterone is strongly bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This test measures the proportion of unbound testosterone which is available to the body's tissues. The is usually a calculated value using a formula or an online tool such as https://www.issam.ch/freetesto.htm

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is a protein that binds tightly to testosterone and oestradiol. Changes in SHBG levels can affect the amount of hormone that is available to be used by the body's tissues.

The principle active form of oestrogen in the body which has roles in gynecomastia, water/fat retention and hormone balance.

Levels of follicle stimulating hormone in men rise with age, but can also indicate testicular damage and reduced sperm production. Low levels of FSH are detected when men are not producing sperm.

Luteinising hormone is responsible for stimulating testosterone production and sperm generation. Raised LH can signal that the testes are not producing enough testosterone and is relevant when evaluating hypogonadism.

Progesterone has two major effects in men - it promotes testosterone production, and also modulates the effects of excessive oestrogen.

Iron Stores

This ferritin test is a measure of how much iron you have stored in your body. Low ferritin can be a sign of anaemia caused by iron deficiency. This test can also be used to investigate iron overload syndrome (haemochromatosis) which is an inherited condition where your body cannot remove excess iron.

This blood test measures:

The ferritin concentration within the blood stream reflects the amount of iron stored in your body and is reduced in anaemia.

B Vitamins
This blood test measures:

Found almost entirely in meat and animal food products. Cobalamin helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is also needed to make DNA.

Found naturally in food, such as green leafy vegetables. Folate (vitamin B9) plays a role in DNA creation and is important for the production of red blood cells.

Bone Health

Calcium and vitamin D play a critical role in maintaining bone health. When you don’t get enough calcium, you increase your risk of developing osteoporosis and stress fractures. This blood test measures your total and corrected calcium levels, your vitamin D levels, and also checks for gout.

This blood test measures:

Plays a critical role in developing and maintaining your overall bone health. If the total calcium result is abnormal, a corrected calcium calculation provides further information.

Although called a vitamin, vitamin D (25-OHD) is actually a steroid hormone which is activated by sunshine on the skin. It is essential for bone strength as it helps the intestines absorb calcium.

If too much urate is produced or not enough is excreted, it can accumulate and lead to gout – an inflammation that occurs in joints.

Most phosphate in the body comes from foods such as beans, peas and nuts, cereals, dairy products, eggs, beef, chicken and fish contain small amounts of phosphate. Phosphates are vital for energy production, muscle and nerve function, and bone growth.


Inadequate recovery from exercise or overtraining can result in inflammation and muscle damage. In addition to c-reactive protein and creatine kinase, this panel also measures homocysteine which is another recognised risk factor for cardiovascular disease, as well as osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.

This blood test measures:

When muscle cells are injured creatine kinase enzymes leak out of the cells and enter the bloodstream. Prolonged elevated creatine kinase after periods of rest can be a sign of overtraining.

A protein made by the liver and secreted into the blood. It is often the first evidence of inflammation - its concentration increases in the blood within a few hours after the start of inflammatory injury.

LDH is an enzyme required during the process of turning sugar into energy for your cells. Only a small amount is usually detectable in the blood, however, when cells are damaged they release LDH into the bloodstream.

An amino acid normally present in very small amounts in all cells of the body. Homocysteine is a product of methionine metabolism - one of the 11 ‘essential’ amino acids that must be derived from the diet.

Full Blood Count

A full blood count provides a good snapshot of overall health and screens for a variety of disorders. It is used to assess immune function, infection, and anaemia, as well as nutritional status and exposure to toxic substances.

This blood test measures:

Responsible for carrying oxygen around the body. A high count can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, whilst a low count can mean your body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs.

Responsible for fighting infection. A high count can indicate recent infection and even stress, whilst a low count can result from vitamin deficiencies, liver disease and immune diseases.

Responsible for blood clotting and healing. A high count can indicate a risk of thrombosis, whilst a low count can lead to easy bruising.

A good measure of your blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout your body. Elevated haemoglobin can be an indicator of lung disease, whilst a low result indicates anaemia.

A measure of the percentage of red blood cells in the total blood volume. Elevated haematocrit can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Liver Function

Your liver processes drugs and alcohol, filters toxic chemicals, stores vitamins and minerals, and makes bile, proteins and enzymes. This liver function test examines enzymes and other markers for evidence of damage to your liver cells or a blockage near your liver which can impair its function.

This liver function test measures:

Removed from the body by the liver, and elevated levels may indicate liver disease.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme located mainly in the liver and the bones. High levels can indicate liver disease.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme mainly produced by the liver. A good indicator of liver damage caused by alcohol, drugs or hepatitis.

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a liver enzyme which can be used to diagnose alcohol abuse as it is typically raised in long term drinkers.

Albumin is a protein which keeps fluid from leaking out of blood vessels, nourishes tissues, and carries hormones, vitamins, drugs, and ions like calcium throughout the body. Albumin is made in the liver and is sensitive to liver damage.

A measure of all of the proteins in the plasma portion of your blood. Proteins are important building blocks of all cells and tissues - they are important for body growth and health.

Kidney Function

Your kidneys filter waste from your body and regulate salts in your blood. They also produce hormones and vitamins that direct cell activities in many organs and help to control blood pressure. When the kidneys aren't working properly, waste products and fluid can build up to dangerous levels creating a life-threatening situation.

This kidney function test measures:

Helps regulate the water and electrolyte balance of your body, and is important in the function of your nerves and muscles. Too much sodium can indicate kidney disease.

Minor changes in serum potassium ca have significant consequences. An abnormal concentration can alter the function of the nerves and muscles for example, the heart muscle may lose its ability to contract.

A high concentration of this waste product can indicate dehydration or that your kidneys aren’t working properly.

A waste molecule generated from muscle metabolism, and an accurate marker of kidney function.

The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) measures how well your kidneys filter the wastes from your blood and is the best overall measure of kidney function.

Digestive & Metabolic Markers

The presence of meat fibres may indicate poor digestion from too little gastric acid or reduced output from the pancreas.

This stool test measures

Imbalances in gut pH influence short chain fatty acid production and their effect.

The presence of red blood cells in the stool may indicate the presence of an infection, inflammation or haemorrhage.

The presence of white blood cells in the stool may indicate the presence of an infection, inflammation or haemorrhage.

The presence of food remnants may indicate maldigestion.

The presence of meat fibres may indicate maldigestion from too little gastric acid or reduced output from the pancreas.

The presence of vegetable fibres may indicate maldigestion from gastric hypoacidity or diminished pancreatic output.

Too much fat in your faeces is called steatorrhoea which can be a sign of malabsorption. This means your body either isn’t absorbing nutrients properly or isn’t making the enzymes or bile needed to digest food effectively.

The presence of starch grains may indicate carbohydrate maldigestion.

Beneficial Bacteria

Significant numbers of bacteria are normally present in the healthy gut. Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in particular, are essential for gut health because they help to inhibit gut pathogens and carcinogens, control pH, reduce cholesterol and synthesise vitamins.

This stool test measures

Bifidobacteria are considered "friendly” bacteria that are found in fermented foods like yogurt and cheese, and are used in probiotics. The gut needs these bacteria to perform several jobs, including breaking down foods, taking in nutrients, and preventing overgrowth of "bad” pathogenic bacteria.

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are essential for gut health because they prevent overgrowth of gut pathogens, and contribute to managing intestinal pH, cholesterol, and synthesis of vitamins and disaccharidase enzymes.

Most E. coli strains are harmless and play an essential role in keeping the digestive system healthy, helping to digest food and producing Vitamin K. However, some E. coli bacteria are pathogenic and can cause disease.

Together with other healthy bacteria and fungi, enterococci work to keep unhealthy (pathogenic) bacteria from flourishing and helps to restore the balance of the microbiome.

Opportunistic Bacteria

In a healthy individual with a balanced gut microbiome, opportunistic bacteria are usually kept in check by the beneficial bacteria that dominate the gut ecosystem. However, when the microbial balance is disrupted or the immune system is weakened, these opportunistic bacteria can multiply and potentially lead to infection or other health issues.

This stool test measures:

B. licheniformis and B. subtilis are associated with food-borne diarrhoeal illness and meat dishes are a common source of infection.

Enterococcus species are part of normal flora in the human gut, but can however be implicated in a variety of infections of which urinary tract infections are the most common.

Enterococcus species are part of normal flora in the human gut, but can however be implicated in a variety of infections of which urinary tract infections are the most common.

M. morganii originates from the gill and skin of fish. It is possible that it may cross-contaminate during handling of fish in processing plants and restaurants. Diarrhoea has been associated with infection of this organism

Pseudomonas is found in water and soil as well as fruits and vegetables, and is considered an opportunistic pathogen.

Pseudomonas is found in water and soil as well as fruits and vegetables, and is considered an opportunistic pathogen.

Food poisoning is often attributed to staphylococcus. Symptoms of staphylococcal food poisoning usually appear within 1 to 6 hours after ingestion but depends upon the amount of contaminated food eaten. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhoea are the most common symptoms. Recovery generally takes two day, but can sometimes take longer.

Food poisoning is often attributed to staphylococcus. Symptoms of staphylococcal food poisoning usually appear within 1 to 6 hours after ingestion but depends upon the amount of contaminated food eaten. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhoea are the most common symptoms. Recovery generally takes two day, but can sometimes take longer.

Streptococcus is common in the gut flora. With the exception of very rare cases, streptococcus species are not implicated in gastric disease.

Streptococcus is common in the gut flora. With the exception of very rare cases, streptococcus species are not implicated in gastric disease.

Streptococcus is common in the gut flora. With the exception of very rare cases, streptococcus species are not implicated in gastric disease.

Streptococcus is common in the gut flora. With the exception of very rare cases, streptococcus species are not implicated in gastric disease.

Streptococcus is common in the gut flora. With the exception of very rare cases, streptococcus species are not implicated in gastric disease.

Methanobacteriaceae are microbes that produce methane. Facilitates carbohydrate fermentation and short-chain fatty acid production by beneficial bacteria.

Desulfovibrio piger is a sulfate-reducing bacterium found in the gut microbiome. While it is a normal part of the gut ecosystem, excessive levels have been linked to increased hydrogen sulfide production, which may contribute to gut inflammation and conditions such as IBS, IBD, and SIBO.

Enterobacter cloacae complex is a group of opportunistic bacteria found in the gut microbiome, typically present in low levels as part of the normal flora. However, an overgrowth may indicate dysbiosis and has been associated with inflammation, gastrointestinal discomfort, and increased risk of infection, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.


This test looks for evidence of candida or other yeast overgrowth. Whilst yeasts are a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract, they may become an opportunistic pathogen after disruption of the mucosal barrier, imbalance of the normal intestinal flora or impaired immunity. This can be caused by things like antibiotics, antacids and stress.

This stool test measures

Candida albicans is the main type of yeast which colonises the human body. It normally lives in the gastrointestinal tract and other areas of the body without causing problems, but imbalance in the microbiome can lead to overgrowth.

Geotrichum yeasts can be found in soil, dairy products and in human skin and mucosae, and are usually only considered an opportunistic pathogen in immune-compromised hosts. Geotrichum may play a role in IBS.

A common environmental yeast which is not considered pathogenic in nature. These yeasts are ubiquitous in the environment and can be found on fruits, vegetables and other plant materials.

Whilst yeasts are a normal inhabitant of the gut, they may become an opportunistic pathogen after disruption of the mucosal barrier, imbalance of the normal intestinal flora or impaired immunity. This can be caused by things like antibiotics, antacids and stress.


Some gut problems can be a consequence of an undetected gut infection. A significant number of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) cases could actually be due to undiagnosed gut parasites such as Blastocystis hominis and Dientamoeba fragilis.

This stool test measures

Some research suggests that people with IBS may be more likely to have Blastocystis hominis organisms in their stool.

The bacteria can be present in the gut for months or year and misdiagnosed as IBS. Infection can cause diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramping, anal itching, nausea, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, depression, weight loss and fatigue.

Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrhoeal disease cryptosporidiosis. Both the parasite and the disease are commonly known as "Crypto."

Symptoms of Giardia infection can occur with 3 to 25 days and may include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, pale greasy foul-smelling stools, stomach cramps, passing excess gas, bloating, weight loss and fatigue.

Amoebiasis is a parasitic disease (also known as amoebic dysentery) caused by infection with Entamoeba histolytica or another amoeba (for example, E. dispar). The disease may not cause symptoms in most individuals.

Pancreatic Function

Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down by stomach acids, enzymes produced by the pancreas, and bile from the liver. This process also releases micronutrients. This blood test measures the levels of enzymes produced by the pancreas.

This blood test measures:

An enzyme produced by the pancreas which is released into the digestive tract to help digest fatty foods.

An enzyme made mainly by the pancreas which is released from the pancreas into the digestive tract to help digest starch in our food.

Test instructions

Print out the pathology form that we email you.

Take your form to one of our affiliated collection centres to have your sample taken - no need for an appointment.

Visit the collection centre within one hour of waking for the most accurate hormone test measurements.

Fast from all food and drink other than water for at least 8 hours, and no more than 12 hours prior to your test. Please note some collect centers require this test to be performed before 10am.

Ready. Set. Go!
Buy now for $2800 NZD

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