The pancreas sits behind the stomach and produces digestive juices that empty into the small intestine. The pancreas produces amylase and lipase which are key digestive enzymes that help your body break down starches and fats. Pancreatic insufficiency is a deficiency of these enzymes that results in malabsorption. Symptoms can include steatorrhea (clay-colored, loose, greasy, foul-smelling large stools), abdominal discomfort, bloating, and weight loss.
Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down by stomach acids, enzymes produced by the pancreas, and bile from the liver. This process also releases micronutrients. This blood test measures the levels of enzymes produced by the pancreas.
An enzyme produced by the pancreas which is released into the digestive tract to help digest fatty foods.
An enzyme made mainly by the pancreas which is released from the pancreas into the digestive tract to help digest starch in our food.
Download and print your pathology form from your i-screen dashboard.
Take your form to one of our affiliated collection centres to have your sample taken - no need for an appointment.
Fast from all food and drink other than water for at least 8 hours, and no more than 12 hours prior to your test. Please note some collect centers require this test to be performed before 10am.